Friday, November 4, 2011

You guys are GOOD cooks

Did I ever tell you that I am not the greatest cook. Oh I did homemade for the kids and Keith and I. I bought very little cardboard boxed meals, and we rarely went to fast food because we never lived near one. It's just that I would rather do most anything than cook. So that is why I may appear healthy to some. I'm out walking, doing errands, trying to jog (more like a trot). I like to get outside at least once a day for a half hour and out of my house 2 to 3 times a day. Actually I cook pretty good stuff when I do.  Why right now as I type, there is an egg dish cooking which should be done in 10 mins if I don't burn it. =)  It's just that I am one who really appreciates other's cooking. I used to go to Keith's moms any chance I could because she did and still does cook so well. Thanks Renee. =)

Enough about cooking. Seriously, I was thinking that here is Keith. The 57 year old Keith we all  know and love, trapped in an 86 year old body and not a 86 body that can still take care of themselves.

I know this because a hospice nurse talked to me for ten minutes yesterday and asked me some specific questions like, Can your husband get dressed by himself? Can he bathe himself and other private necessities?  Can he get his own food? Can he walk unassisted? Can he transfer by himself? Can he turn in bed by himself?  As you can guess, the answer was "no" to all of them. She said you need help before you get sick from being a 24/7 hour  caregiver.

I don't say this to get more help. How much more help can you give?  You all have done wonderful.  We are so blessed to have such family and friends. I am just venting and letting you know that we may be at a new stage in the MSA and have to make some unique decisions.

Don't worry, I'm not putting Keith anywhere and we are hoping that his continued PT,OT,SP will continue to help bring him to his pre hospital stage,  though I often feel like just letting the guy rest. =(

Better go get the eggs.


  1. It's good for you to be able to express your heart. I don't think anyone would disagree. You have a wonderfully spirited attitude that inspires and encourages. I just wanted to say hi and to let you know that ever since we played Farkel with you guys, we've carried dice with us to the beach, when we visit friends, and play it with just the three of us. Great fun, and it always reminds us of you guys. Big hugs...

  2. Oh that is sooooo good to hear.I will tell Keith. I think of you often when I see you on FB and how much we enjoyed that day.

  3. I have a friend who tried to talk me into playing Farkle last night, but without Keith to guide me I couldn't remember how to count everything! Next time I'll take notes! I Love You Guys SO Much!

  4. Your a strong woman and an amazing & caring wife. Your vulnerability and transparency brings me to tears. You and Keith are are an example of how I want to live and love. ♥

  5. Thank you Colleen especially on this Sat. especially as you know how tough they can be for me. Hope to see you soon. Take care.

  6. I was hoping to see you guys this morning. I think of you every Saturday now. xoxo Love you.
