Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sure, not Strong

All right all of you who are praying for me. The Holy Spirit is revealing some good stuff to me. I will share more later but want all of you to know that Keith and I are living like we are expecting a MIRACLE. What form that takes is up to our God.

They drained about 95 milliliters of fluid from Keith's knee and he was able to walk a little. In fact, enough that he will be moved to in house re-hab this morning.

A fighter that guy is through it all!

Thanks so many of you for the cards =), food, help, and so many offers of help. The Lord is good.



  1. God is Good. : ). We love you guys. We will also believe and pray for a miracle....♥

  2. Good news for you all...our prayers continue.

  3. Yes, God is bigger than MSA! He is in control of everything.

  4. Terry and I believe and have prayed from the very first day we found out about Keith's illness that a miraculous healing will in FACT TAKE PLACE!!!

    WE love you guy's Terry and Katie

  5. I think, then pray often of you and Keith. I wish with all my heart I were closer. I am planning a trip to the Oregon Coast this summer. Thought maybe I could swing by if it wouldn't be a burden. Love you guys!
