Saturday, July 23, 2011

Unfair to Kristi and family

Since I talk about being as honest as I can, it is about time to clear the air. I'm afraid Kristi and her family took the blame for what should have been the disease, MSA.

When Keith got so sick in Oct. and had to quit his job, there naturally was a desire to blame anything or anyone. Even after studying the affects of MSA, I wasn't aware of what its destruction could and continues to cause for not only the one with it but also all of us around it, especially the family.

I want to apologize to Kristi, Jose and the girls. I love you guys. You are hard working and I brag about you all the time. Guess I better tell you! Dad and I are proud of you and your family.

I know this is a little personal but I started it when I began sharing. Hope all of you will let us continue to be honest about what our family faces living with MSA. I only pray that Clint and Kristi and their families have each other and more to lean on because Mom and Dad at this point are a little distracted. I can only imagine what they are going through. And honestly, most of the time I have to stop my mind from imagining it.

All I can do for now, but still expecting a miracle

With love


  1. Dear Pam & Keith,
    I love the amazing opportunity of prayer. Today, with my hands in suds at the kitchen sink, your needs will be brought before Him. I'm asking for the whole Father-load for you for this new day. When I fold my laundry, and sort through the boxes down the hall, you both are going to be center stage in my attention span before Him. It fills me with joy to realize that I will be participating in His unfathomable love for you. Big hugs, Jan

  2. Boy do we need prayer. It's getting hard. I told Keith that this feels harder than when my mom and dad died.

  3. Hey Pam! I can verify that you brag on both of your kids and ALL of your grandkids often. It's obvious to me how much love you and Keith have for them. I know they are sparkles in your eyes. I get to see you guys this week!
    Hugs and loves and prayers every day,

  4. I still have the best parents in the world! No ones perfect, but you two are close :)
