Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Good Times

Just wanted to thank all of you who have told me they are reading the blog. Know that we feel how much you care about us even if you don't leave a comment. We know you care because of your calls, letters and visits. Norm and Marilyn, Rich and Colten, Jessica Goss, Damian and Lynn, Dave, Nellie and Brian Kirk, Cheri and Stan, Greg and Kathy, Linda, Alex, and of course Clint and Kristi and their families visited this week. It has been so fun playing board games this winter with some of you. I guess we must have introduced "Minnesota Farkle" to at least 10 or more people. It's a fun game.

Keith is doing very well, having fun still watching those Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music. I think he may have to watch them alone now, as I've maxed out for the year.

A special thanks to Norm who is bravely cleaning our carpets for us.

Have a great new year everyone. We love you.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Thankfully, Keith's mom called and gently informed us that it was Keith's Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Bruce who gave us the wonderful box of sausage and other great gifts. So sorry to you both but when he has so many great aunt and uncles who are not only very caring but generous it can be hard to keep track. (Keith gets the blame for this one however because I told him to proofread by post on the blog. Good to know he is not perfect right?)

Well we do love the gift. Thank you again.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Picture this!

An impromptu birthday Party for Hunter, April's son who turned 4 yesterday. It was great and crazy. April making a cake for Hunter, Me holding and feeding Kayleigh. Clint and Keith doing something. =) Kristi decided to make Christmas cookies with the kids at the same time (I must say she was doing so at my urging as I was passing the cookie making torch). Lot's of flour flying around because Kristi is so good at letting the kids really help. After opening the presents and having cake I let them go to get the mail which is a big deal around here. It's a whole block up and they "Have to follow grandma's rules," in order to go. So naturally there is running involved and they all look so cute running around the block toward the mail box. They did a wonderful job of stopping when I yelled "STOP!" Then Diala got to spend the night. On the way to here house she asked me why I was so old. I started laughing so much. I still can't believe I'm the grandma. =)

Imaging our delight when we received a package from Keith's Aunt Kay and Uncle Bob filled with sausages and other goodies from Zups, a favorite grocery store in Ely, MN. We could hardly wait to try them but we waited a day to eat them since I had to get the perfect bread with which to put them on. Turned out these babies don't even need the bread but that's how you do it in Ely. Oh yea, you don't just eat one. We cooked a whole package and only two are left. We did share them with Norm and Marilyn and Damian who came by. See, sometimes we even serve more than coffee when people drop by. It is our pleasure. We love the company.

Looking forward to Christmas and Keith's mom's visit in February.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Keith and I have been married 32 wonderful years. He is the best. Last night, we were treated to a wonderful dinner at the Olive Garden. We were with my sister and brother and their spouses. Thanks for dinner sis and Dave. Good company, good food!

Conversations at several times centered around our mom and dad. We were so fortunate to have grown up with parents like we had. Each of us five children have unique stories with mom and dad, but the central theme was that of being greatly loved by them both. Mom was witty, wise and wonderful. I hope someone writes a book about her because it would be very humorous and unbelievable. But my brother kept saying, "Dad, he was the best, He was the best!" I agreed. I was pondering that statement this morning and although there was much more to dad than this, I know that I know, my dad lived unconditional love. Not only for his family but for everyone. Over and over, people who knew him would tell us about how much he meant to them and how he made them feel special and loved.

Ok, I may be bias, but I think I married someone like my dad. People for years have told me how much Keith has meant to them and that they just like being around him. Now I knew that I liked being around him but I didn't know the affect he had on others until you guys started talking about what he meant to you. Thank you for doing so. Because you did and still do, Clint and Kristi and their families get to hear confirmation to this fact.

Well enough mush. =) I want to thank all of you who came and visited and shared a cup of coffee with us. I know some of you think that you may be disturbing us but you are not. Like I said before, come on over and please don't be offended by me saying it's time to go because Keith is getting tired. He can only take so much of a good thing!

Thanks also for the goodies. YUMMY

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Life is Better - Read This

I just thought I'd let you know that my day got better and better. I took my sister Cheri's advice and tried to think about what I was doing at the moment. So I took a walk and ended up at the high school track. It was raining but it was great just feeling the rain. I was even able to run (well I wouldn't really call it running but it wasn't walking). I was given the ok to try running by my foot dr. last week. The first time I did it, my feet felt great but my knee hurt. I'm hoping the knee won't hurt after today. I don't see how it could with the speed I wasn't running. =) As I walked home, I just looked around and listened to the sounds. Do you know how much gum there is on our streets? Oh well, it was very peaceful being outside and alone.

I don't get depressed but I do get "the blues" occasionally and they usually only last about a couple of hours. How I wish I would have waited to write the blog this morning, but I didn't and you all were the recipient of those blues feelings. I think we all get them sometimes.

Oh yeah, I did read God's word, followed as always by a wonderful time with my church family. It was so uplifting. Then grandkids in the afternoon. Made me smile. =)

Life has its ups and downs for all of us.

Take care during this Christmas Season!

One Day At A Time (read with caution)

You know it sounds a lot easier to do than it is. That is, taking it "one day at a time." I know you and I believe it especially in Keith and our family's situation but we all think ahead. It's necessary to do so. Have you as a mother ever just took Christmas one day at a time or how about your child's birthday. No planning ahead there right?

I'm trying not to think ahead but I'm looking at that list of 87 Things That Must Be Done By The Survivor. Why would that stupid MSA website print such a list? It's awful and yet because they are very loving people, I know I should and need to look at it. I've had it since the Fall and I just can't even start it. It feels like I'm dwelling on death. So I'm going to put it away because this is suppose to be the "No MSA" month. It seems to be easier for Keith (though not much is easy for Keith, he's just a fighter, why do you think I'm so blessed and thankful to have him in my life?)So many others would probably be demanding 24 hr care at this point of the disease. Sorry to be such a downer. I just felt like I'm busting inside with feelings that I don't always know not what to do with. So I'm taking advantage of you lending an ear. Thanks you all.

Am I feeling sorry for myself? Probably yes. Do I need exercise? Definitely. Do I need to go to the Lord and let him know all of this? Yes, and I'm just about to get my cup of coffee and do that. Keith took a walk and is doing so very well. I guess it's a reminder for me to be responsible and take care of myself. The reason for it I want to be selfish, like I can run in a race again or jump rope again or hike again, which I will do, but the reality is I need to be strong for what is coming up in our future. And this brings me back to the difficulty in not thinking ahead. For now, I'll take it a few minutes at a time and enjoy the Lord's company and my coffee.

See you. Come back, I'm sure the next post will be on the lighter side. =)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sad Reality

Keith and I are doing well having a NO MSA month, but I heard from my friend whose husband has MSA that he is having more and more trouble walking and in fact they are looking into getting him a wheelchair.

I read it aloud to Keith and after reading that part we just both looked at each other in silence. You see, we have watch her husband's progress and felt that Keith was about a year behind him, so we didn't want to hear that. But, our God is mighty and we are seeking his wisdom in dealing with this situation. We know he knows how much he and I can take. And no, Keith or I are not depressed, though I asked him if he was "happy" and he hesitated. Then I asked if he was "content" and he said yes. He's still walking, doing the elliptical and yoga even though his partner sometimes isn't a big help. =)

I have this urgency of taking the whole family on a fun Disneyland trip, but the more I push it just doesn't happen. When trips don't come together like I want, I've learned from Keith to just stop. This has save me a lot of headaches.

Thanks for listening. I usually have Keith check the post before I publish them. I hope he is ok with this one but I know you, his family and friends love and care about him, so here I go!

Friday, December 3, 2010


As you can see by the title, Keith has declared this month not to have dr. appts or dwell on this disease - you know the one I mean but I'm trying not to say or write about it =0

I finally subbed two days this week. It was great to see the students and faculty. Many asked about Keith but because it was Dec. I didn't say much other than that he is doing well.

Ok, so I can't help bragging about him. While I was writing one of the last post I peaked out in the living room because I saw this shadow going up and down. It was his grey head. He was doing push-ups. "Go Keith." He's doing balancing exercises right now.

We are used to basketball coaching this time of year and miss all of its fun and relationships. Keith has been pulled out of retirement to help coach the Alternative Boy's Basketball team. He is looking forward to the challenge and new relationships to be formed.

Have a wonderful Christmas season.