Sunday, January 15, 2012

Feb. 25th, 2012...............Moving Day

For those of you who don't know, we are moving to Everett, WA.  As you can see,  moving day is Feb. 25th, about 6 weeks from now.

Through the generosity of my sister and her husband, we have been invited to share their beautiful and large home.  As we speak, they are building  an additional bedroom equipped with a handicapped bathroom to accommodate  Keith's . Also, living in Everett  we will be closer to  anticipated future hospital  and dr. needs. We cannot thank them enough.

Bittersweet it is. Granite Falls is the longest place we have lived. Going on 16 years, we have thoroughly enjoyed it.  We've  met so many wonderful people. You have given us such overwhelming love and support,  it will be hard to  find that again.

The Lord has guided us through this decision and we feel good about it. But you better come and see us sometime. =) You WILL be welcome. If you knew my sister and brother-in-law, you wouldn't even hesitate. They are generous and display an example of God's love that I have seen few times in my life.

Until later, and maybe even in Everett,

Saturday, January 7, 2012

God is near in the midst

I know it isn't easy, but I feel compelled to record what is happening while we live with MSA. Both the good and the bad.

However, I must say that God is here  in our midst. Through it all we have found great peace knowing that we are not forgotten by our heavenly Father.

We certainly have our ups and downs. Keith is doing well. He walked down the ramp using his walker. And this morning I glanced over at him thinking he was having trouble getting up from his chair only to be happily surprised to see he was doing exercises he hadn't  been able to do for weeks =) He is in doing the elliptical right now. I better go see if he needs help. Too late, here he is already done and ready for a snack. He has earned one indeed!

All for now,