Hello everyone,
The good news of course is that the car wash was such a fun and successful event. The bad news is that I can't thank all of you individually. So again, thanks =)
Recently, I read about this husband who lost his wife a year ago, May to MSA. He says as the time went on he found himself blogging less. He had some specific reasons that I don't want to share with you but I can relate to what he said. Though we try to stay positive, our life is truthfully, not so fun. But are we suppose to have fun? Do we automatically deserve a fun life because we were born? I wish it were so. I soooooooooo want it to be that way. Day in and day out is becoming mundane. No, not everyday, but most. Yes we have some company but that has dropped off. Sometimes necessarily, as Keith is getting tired in new ways that don't show to others but do to me.
I'm venting as you can tell but also recording Keith's disease progression. You guys are not responsible for making us feel better but I thank you for trying. I don't know what we would do without this beautiful home we get to live in. Each day we are filled with love from all who live here. We get to hear sounds of laughter from the grandkids who live here and others who visit quite often. Precious ones! Sometimes, I feel that our heaviness hangs like a cloud over all who are near us. I don't want them to have to share it but they do want to help and for this I am grateful. I am also able to do some jogging and bike riding. This gives me a much needed break. Then I think about Keith, sometimes wanting to cry. He is getting out more but many times he is to tired after dr or PT appts to go anywhere. He does love his mochas and many times we drive through MacDonalds and get one. He is still one of the best MSA patients around. He only takes one med and is maintaining some upper body strength.
I think I am down in the valley, no maybe just a small hill since it can get harder if the Lord has that in His plan for us. I need prayers. My devotional time with the Lord is great but so often interrupted for Keith business that I feel quite disjointed. I could not, however make it without His word and your prayers.
All for now, I'm sure the next blog will be more fun. =)
Keep blogging, Pam. We aren't fair weather friends. I haven't been by but maybe I will come soon; I'll call first to see if it's a day that works for the two of you. Love and prayers, Marge Johnson
ReplyDeletePS I don't know which profile to select, so I'll select Anon. You know who I am (I think!).
You're right--we're not entitled to a fun life just because we're born. You bear a heavy burden with great grace and honesty, Pam. I know you'd choose a fun life over being an inspiration, but know that's just what you are. And that you guys are loved and prayed for.
ReplyDeleteYour honesty is refreshing and tender. Don't try to be anything but real beautiful lady. You are Keith are doing this well. It is one of the hardest journey's anyone has to do. You are truly amazing.
ReplyDeleteAll of your encouraging words lift me. Thank you =)
ReplyDeleteI wish I were a poet. Words sometimes seem so simple, too easily spoken, but from the heart their meaning can be profound; from you to us, from us to you. In other words, I stand in awe of you and Keith. You carry the care of Keith with such grace. You may not feel it inside, but you are, and we stand with you as brothers and sisters in Christ. It goes without saying that we pray for you, we want to be there for you, and we try to do that. But for me and I'm sure it is for the rest of your family here in GF and in Everett, you are in our hearts constantly. We love you so much, words fail me. With so much love.......