Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Oh, if only.........................................

Oh, if only I could not vent in front of all of you, I might feel better. Oh, if only I would blog when things are going well. I could then prove to myself and the world that I am strong. But no, I post blogs when that which inside me has to come out. I do not feel strong, but these past two days have felt your strength and better than that, Keith's.

I will try to let you know how Keith is doing. Difficult at times, as the energy it takes for a lot of communication is draining. I want to talk and talk and talk to him because he is my strength, my best  friend and husband. He gives such wise advice. I do push (encourage) him to speak when it concerns  important issues like our family's needs. I want Clint and Kristi to hear from him as much as possible while they can.

All for now, Hopefully Clint will add more pictures. Thank you for reading. =)


  1. Mom,

    What kind of pictures would you like me to post?

  2. It's a surprise. I can't tell you here =)

  3. Joan Dixon-SchmidtJune 26, 2012 at 11:01 AM

    What we would all give for your circumstance to be the way it was. Only God knows why. Always...

  4. Pam,
    Your words show so much strength, it shines through.

    Your an inspiration to us all. When your feeling weak he
    is strong . . .

    Keith is probably smiling now - he loves you so. The blessing is Today - each day - love is felt around you both.

    The beautiful sun is going to shine tomorrow a great day to
    get out and enjoy together.

    with much love, Linda

  5. My thoughts and prayers continue for you Pam and for you Keith. I can't imagine how painful and hard this journey is. I am so glad you have today together. I also believe that some how God can redeem this story. I wish it wasn't your story, but knowing that it is, my hope lies in his beauty, strength and love for the two of you. My heart breaks at your struggle, and I pray.
    With love,

  6. this makes me want to just scream for you. :(

  7. Pam, you are an amazing woman! Always remember that The joy of the Lord is your strength,and you can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives you strength! You cannot be strong in and of yourself, but God's strength lives in you. My prayers continue to be with you and Keith and your family as you walk through this journey together, wherever it leads.
    Pam Hamilton

  8. My thoughts and prayers continue for you Pam and for you Keith. I can't imagine how painful and hard this journey is. I am so glad you have today together. I also believe that some how God can redeem this story. I wish it wasn't your story, but knowing that it is, my hope lies in his beauty, strength and love for the two of you. My heart breaks at your struggle, and I pray.

  9. We pray for you, Keith and the family daily. Always hold on to the many prayers going up to the Father on your behalf. Janine Butler and Jerry Pugh send their love to you and Keith too. We were recently at the Leadership Academy workshop together. Remember - there are many of us praying for you and asking God to constantly wrap His arms of love around you to give you strength and peace. Hugs to you and to Keith!

  10. Your words make us feel not alone. =)
