Monday, April 9, 2012

Still Embracing life..............BUT

I have to wonder why so many liked my last post. I think it is because it makes you feel better when you think or perceive me as being strong. I am telling you the truth as I discover this MSA road with its ups and downs I am not strong. I am weak.  We are trusting and trying hard to persevere but I have to tell you, it is HARD, so very hard. I know that perseverance will lead to proven character and proven character to HOPE  and HOPE that does not DISAPPOINT as it says in God's word. If we didn't believe it, I don't know how we would have made it this far.

It's one thing for Satan to attack me in my selfishness. I can work on that with your prayers and mine and knowing that we have victory over him. But to attack my family makes me have to dig to the deepest parts of all I know about the ONE who loves me, to prevent me from giving up. I think 3 of us had sorrowful crying times this week. That hurts, though cleansing as it may be. This disease is not only horrible, but goes on and on and as it does we seem to lose more of Keith and the kids lose more of their dad. I just need to be able to say it sometimes as do all of us who love Keith.

What can you do? Not much really. Keith is and never has been a very needy person. He has been discouraged this week at times. That doesn't surprise us does it? It's about time!  I must admit to you again,  that when you visit and talk or play a game with him makes our day go faster and we enjoy the time we have with you. Thank you for your visits. Bringing a donut or cookie is not even required but does bring a smile to Keith's face.

Special note to you Rob for coming from Seattle to see Keith. Also, I liked Caleb's music. =) He is a wonderful musician.


  1. I am so sorry the journey is wearying and long. Even when you are feeling weak, you exhibit such honest, vulnerable strength. My prayers continue.

  2. Thank you Jonna =) I was just reading from my prayer journal today and I read the page dated 4/17/95. It said, "Had a wonderful day of Easter yesterday. I went to sunrise service where Jonna, my friend spoke blessedly! I will never forget that beautiful,but cold morning.

  3. My heart hurts for your pain and for the feeling of losing more and more of Keith. I missed your last post. You have been on my mind alot this week. I love you.

  4. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. My dear hubby had this terrible disease until God in His mercy just took him home. I follow your struggles and praises to God for his strength and comfort during this exhausting time.

  5. Pam, I love you when you are strong, and I love you when you are weak. I miss you. We are working 14 hour days without a break. Very very tired. I think of you both always and am looking forward to taking some time away from work to come and see you.
