January days have us praying and pondering where we can best serve others.It's tough for Keith not to be working. He may be able to volunteer more. I'll keep you posted. Like I told the Social Security counselor, we would pay to have Keith be able to work. =)
I know a lot of you, myself, and and several of my family members have encouraged Keith to spend quality time with family. He has done so and has enjoyed it. Not working, however has been more difficult than we expected. We have been forced to constantly adjust our reality. While his body is not able to perform like it used to, he has worked furiously hard to keep its atrophy at bay by exercising. Often more than me. In fact, he had another super appointment with his neurologist. He sees no reason that Keith can't travel so I'm not giving up the dream of taking the family to Disneyland, late June. We'll see. His Dr. however, doesn't see Keith's daily difficulties. If we have to go to "Plan B" that's ok.
We thank you for the prayers and still need them. This disease if not so good. I want people to know about it but I'm not ready to lead that campaign yet!
Until later,
Thank you for keeping us updated, as difficult as it is for you all. We read, we pray, we think of you all, and in the end, we just Love you.