Wednesday, June 1, 2011


All of you have taught me so much. Especially about heart. I often struggle with what it means to feel so strongly with your heart. So many of you have shown me your heart that I thank you. It has helped. There's more about the heart, but I am still pondering.............................................

I was thinking that I just had to be stronger and simply re-define our marriage. It is what it is, now get on with it. But, while I was so sternly telling myself this, the words "For better, for worse, and in sickness and in health." came to me. There you have it. Marriage is not only the beginning part of our vows, but as Keith and I are finding out, they encompass so much more.

I am ready for this new fight! Bring it on! Of course, nothing can happen without the indwelling Holy Spirit working in me.

Thanks you all for your love and prayers.

Fun things have been happening too. Keith's parents visited for 12 days and were very fun to be with. They were troopers and must have played 100 games of Farkle!

Thank you Nikki for coming yesterday, bringing funny movies, and giving Keith a run for his money in Backgammon. I hear you won 2 out of 4 games. It's better that I do. =)

Ernie, thanks for bringing beautiful plants. Thank you Clint for pressure washing and mowing. We have great kids.

So, until later,



  1. Well actually it was only 1/6 that I won. Keith was being his usual generous self hahahaha. I demand a rematch!
