Sunday, October 16, 2011

I can't sleep

I've been up since about 1am. I thought I would get a better sleep without Keith but it is turning out not to be true. After almost 33 years of marriage, it feels like a big void. I cleaned the floor, started the dishes and almost vacuumed, but instead,  I thought I'd update all of you on his condition.

 As you know, Keith went to the emergency room at Thursday after catching a cold. What is a simple cold for most of us is not when you have MSA. It laid him out so bad that he was unable to walk. Thankfully, Dr. Burke advised us to call 911 and have him transported to rule out pneumonia and other infections. Of course Keith did not want to go but agreed later that it was a smart decision. Without going into details, basically we are at a point where we have to decide if he should go to in house re-hab or come home. We are leaning toward a week or so in re-hab where they will work to help with gain the strength he had before this episode. The worry is that this may be the downward spiral of MSA and nothing but prayers are going to help and should we put Keith through this.

Then I thought, Hey, wait a minute. Keith is a fighter, a former athlete and coach. He likes to exercise and he already gave an outstanding effort for his first PT session in the hospital. Though it was 5 steps forward and 5 steps back, he was still  coach-able and they were pleased.

I called the hospital a few minutes ago and they said Keith was doing well.

I think I will try to go to sleep now.


  1. My heart aches for you Pam. May God give you comfort in the midst of these times. I pray for you and Keith so often. I am taking a three week class called "Staying with the Pain through Transformation." One of the professor's wife is dying of early onset Alzheimers. I think of you and Keith so often when Tom speaks. Please know how deeply loved you both are! My mom and I are driving to Kennewick, Washington to visit my sisters there at Thanksgiving. How far are you guys from Kennewick? I know I missed you when you were in Minnesota. If there's a way I'd love to visit. If not, please know how dear you both are!

  2. Oh Jonna, thank you so much. I will remember that you are praying for us. Our God is big and we are anxious to see what his plans are with this awful MSA dx. I'm not always so brave and it hurts to see him go through this but you can picture him giving his all in PT and giving all of himself to Our Heavenly Father. I'm so sorry for your teacher. I often tell Keith that I feel so bad when loved ones begin to forget those they love.

    No, Kennewick is about 5 hrs away. Seattle is hour and half away if you are flying there first.

    Thanks again, We share a lot of fond memories. =)

  3. You bet Keith is a fighter. The way he advocates for kids against immense odds is nothing short of amazing. I am praying for you and Keith. I know God will care for both of you. Love love loves!
