Sunday, October 30, 2011

Moving SLOW

Moving slow is hard for "ex athletes." Everything Keith does is such a struggle. He is doing it with determination but it is getting the better of him. I'm trying to have strength for both of us but who am I kidding? I only get strength from the Lord. We are having some good talks. Be careful if you ask for more time to talk to the Lord, you may just get it! =) Selfishly, the Lord, via the Holy Spirit, is the most comforting, not to mention most clear one to talk to. Satan on the other hand is trying hard to attack any area of my life that I have not protected with God's word. Keep praying against him please, though he doesn't even deserve mention. Our God is greater that any evil!

What I wanted to say was I am so grateful that I have not had to cook for over 2 weeks because of all of your generosity.

I'm hearing Christmas music =)


  1. I love you guys! I texted this to Keith this morning, but I wanted to say it again. You're in my heart and prayers constantly!

  2. I pray "the full armor of God" for you 24-7 my friends!
