Wednesday, October 5, 2011


When Keith was first dx with MSA  3 years ago and  symptoms exhibiting a year or so before, my church family asked what they could do for us.  Back then, Keith was still working , coaching and rigorously  exercising. Now, he is not. I can hear myself answering 3 years ago , that we didn't need anything but please ask me again. I knew at that time, but hadn't shared, that his disease would most likely  progress in the manner it is now and because of that, we would probably need  a lot of help later.

Later is here. As can be expected, there is good news and bad. Keith's walking is becoming more difficult. So much so that we have been busy ordering a light weight wheelchair, and looking at electric ones so he can have more mobility.  Because of his balance, getting him out places is not pretty but funny at times =). We often laugh so we don't cry. The good news is that he seems to be communicating better.

So I had to let go of my pride and ask more specifically for help because you guys can't read my mind.  And do you know what?  Yes, we were so blessed as several of you called or came to us to offer meals and to spend time with Keith. The church is going to set up a sign up sheet to help in the effort.

Just wanted to update all of you. Thanks for the prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Love you guys both. :) I am here to help with whatever you need. I will be able to come over once a week to help with whatever.

