Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fun Days

Wow, I told you we liked visitors. We've had several the last few days. Keith is looking and feeling very well. Thanks for the concerns and prayers.

Jack and Julie Goyette came and stayed with us Saturday. We talked and talked and even walked a little. Well, Julie and I did while I think Jack and Keith were watching some football game. You know they had to check out the new TV. :) Keith just pointed out that it was not "just some football game, It was the Vikings!"

Yesterday our neighbor Ernie came by mid-morning. Then we had a couple of dr. appts. In the afternoon came Andy who was nice enough to come by and see what he could do for us. That was great, but guess who kept getting mixed up as to when Keith's aunt and uncle were coming? You're right. ME. Well, they were at the door about the same time as Andy. It was great because I like a lot of people around. (Keith kept saying they were coming Monday. He is the better listener. I should have paid more attention.) We couldn't have been more happy that they were here. The church had given us some great food the night before and we invited Clint and family over. Fun times.

About that same time, Eddie, a former player, came by to borrow a stopwatch for coaching basketball. Speaking of b-ball, this is the first week in years that Keith hasn't coached it. It's sad, but ok. We're glad for the distractions.

So, we had a good visiting day. Thanks Linda and Jim for the coffee maker. We have had so much fun with it and have been serving all our visitors coffee. (Is 10 cups of coffee too much in one day?) We don't want our guest to drink alone!

It's Tues. morning. Tony Mace should be any minute to get his cup of coffee. No, he's coming to have Keith tape his ankle for his firefighter physical test. Gotta go, It's time for my first cup of coffee. :)


  1. Thanks for taping me up!! I passed the test in a new record time for me, 8:06. Out of 18 people I was the 5th fastest. Pretty happy with that. I wouldn't have felt as strong or prepared, guaranteed, if I hadn't had that thing taped. Thank you.
