Today was a trip to the Social Security Office to pursue getting disability benefits. While waiting for our appointment, we looked at each other and laughed when I said, "Never thought we'd be doing this at this time in our lives." But because Clint was so thorough helping us (ok, doing the app.), the appointment was less than one-half an hour. The case worker mentioned that Clint had done an excellent job. It still felt funny sitting in those chairs sharing private information to a stranger.
Overall, good day. I just noticed some swelling in Keith's calf. I e-mailed his doc. His left one an inch larger than his right.
For those of you who are new to the blog, thank you for following along. Just a reminder that I am using it as a type of record for our kids and it will not always make sense I suppose. Thank you for letting me share and vent.
Thanks a lot for the link to your blog! Looking forward to updates. There is so much we don't know, so we thank you for the info and commentary... Think the world of you guys and are praying alongside you all.